Curcumin Elite™ Turmeric Extract

Life Extension

Curcuminoid compounds are what gives curcumin its health benefits. Curcumin Elite™ Turmeric Extract delivers turmeric curcumin benefits for broader tissue uptake of free curcuminoids than standard curcumin by combining curcumin with a kind of fiber derived from fenugreek seeds.

Life Extension® has spent years searching for a superior form of curcumin, one that delivers maximum health benefits.

Curcumin Elite™ Turmeric Extract Benefits

  • Free curcuminoid compounds are what gives curcumin its widespread health benefits
  • Our formula offers over 45x more bioavailable free curcuminoids than standard curcumin
  • Provides 270 times better absorption of total curcuminoids than standard curcumin
  • Helps inhibit inflammatory factors to promote both joint & organ health
  • Fights oxidative stress and promotes cardiovascular health
  • Also supports brain, immune system & liver health

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